The Power of a Made-Up Mind

My husband and I really enjoy our new church. As we were sitting in church last Sunday, listening to Pastor Russ give his message, he said something that really hit home for me. He said, “There is something really powerful in a made-up mind.”

Read it again, “There is something really powerful in a made-up mind.” Think about that!

Everyone has had that time in their lives when they have had enough of the way things are, had enough of their current situation, and have made up their mind that something needs to change. Once you have made up your mind to do something, you have made a decision to make it a reality. Once you have made up your mind, you are inspired and excited. Do you remember that feeling? Use that feeling, that decision, that inspiration and that excitement to take action!

If you want to start your own business, make up your mind to make it happen. If you want to grow your business, make up your mind to make it happen. If you want to release weight, make up your mind to make it happen. Whatever change you need to see, make up your mind to make it happen. No matter what, make up your mind to make it happen.

It doesn’t matter what your current situation is, there is always something that you can do to change it into something better. What do you want? Make up your mind… make the decision to make it happen. Once you make the decision and focus on what the outcome will be, as Ralph Waldo Emerson says, “Once you make a decision, the universe conspires to make it happen”.

You are always one decision away from a totally different life.

Your Answers Are Out There

Last week I mentioned that I am re-reading a book by the name of “No Excuses: The Power of Self-Discipline” by Brian Tracy. Last week I wrote about how self-discipline is all about doing what you need to do even when you don’t feel like doing anything.

This week, I want to talk about getting the answers to… really any question that you have! In his book, Brian says, “All the answers have been found. All the routes to success have been discovered. Everything that you need to learn to move to the top of your field has already been learned by hundreds and even thousands of other people. And if you ask them for advice, they will give it to you.”

Do you get what this means? It means that whatever goal that you have, there is someone out there that has already achieved something similar to your goal(s) and all you have to do is reach out to them and ask them for advice. Now, maybe not everyone is ‘reachable’. Take Tony Robbins as an example. In my journey to be a top Results Coach, I don’t think that I could just call him up or send him an email and he would simply take a few minutes out of his day to chat with me about the road that I need to take… unless I have the ability to pay a VERY pretty penny to get that one-on-one time with him. (Although, in all honesty, I have never actually asked Tony for help so I could be very wrong in my previous assumption.) Now, I could maybe get his ear for a few minutes during one of his training events … But, if not, I have already received a plethora of information via his videos, seminars, online classes, books, podcasts, etc. So, I have to say that, there is a way to learn from others without actually talking to them (if that is not possible).

The next step after reaching out or doing your research? Take action! To ensure that you take action… schedule at least 1-2 hours (or more) on your calendar to take action every day and, no putting it off. If you schedule it, you do it! No excuses! Take the class or attend the seminar (which can be easily done from home now!) or read the book.

In short, whatever your goal…

  1. Find someone that is doing what you want to do or has what you want.
  2. Get the input or tools from them that will help you accomplish your goal(s)
  3. Take. Action.

Again… No Excuses!

The Most Important Success Principle of All Time…

I have been reading, or I should say RE-reading the book “No Excuses: The Power of Self-Discipline” by Brian Tracy. I really like this book and read it every few years because every time I read it, I am reminded that I really don’t have any excuses for not reaching my goals.

For example, on page 7, Brian talks about how he had an encounter with Kop Kopmeyer, who is a legend in the field of success and achievement. Brian asked Kop what he felt that the most important success principle of all time was and he responded with a quote from Elbert Hubbard, “Self-discipline is the ability to do what you should do, when you should do it, whether you feel like it or not.” Kop also said that, “There are 999 other success principles that I have found in my reading and experience, but without self-discipline, none of them work. With self-discipline, they all work.”

The best way that I have found to win at self-discipline is to schedule time on my calendar to take action. I’ve talked about this before but it is so true. Make sure you schedule time on your calendar. I have found that if I don’t schedule the time on my calendar, the work doesn’t get done. When I schedule the time, the work gets done! The key here is that when you schedule the time, you make the commitment to yourself to keep that time. No. Matter. What!

No matter the goal, whether it is getting in better shape, releasing weight, starting a business, growing your business, or going for that next promotion at work… schedule the time to do the work. Even if it is one hour, five days a week.. that is 250 hours a year (if you count two weeks off for per year for vacation or personal events). The first few hourly sessions may simply be all about putting a plan together, or getting clear on your WHY, or brainstorming the work that you need to do, or all of the above. But that is still progress!

I personally aim for and schedule a minimum of 10 hours a week. (It breaks out to at least 90 minutes, Monday thru Friday, and then about 2.5 hours on Saturday.) Many people say that they struggle to find the time but everyone has time. You may need to get up an hour earlier or go to bed an hour later. Or maybe right now, it is only 30 minutes a day. It really doesn’t matter how much time you devote to your goals every day/week, just as long as it is something. Over the span of a year or even a few months, the hours add up and every hour gets you closer to your goal than you are right now!

Do this now: 

  1. Schedule time on your calendar right now. Find at least an hour on your calendar for at least 5 of the next 7 days.
  2. Make a commitment to yourself to honor those times.

You will be amazed at what you can get done!